Check Engine Light Is On

Page content

Dinging Sound

Engine Light

The check engine light for this website has been on for a while. It isn’t out of oil, or coolant and doesn’t have a dead battery. It has been seriously low on content for a while. Luckily, I have a load of topics to talk about that happen to be related to both security and architecture.

Up Next

There has been a lot of talk around The CyberSecurity Framework 2.0 and Zero Trust, so I think we will begin with those. The plan is to talk about practical guidance that can be implemented to increase your security assurance, posture, and transparency. Here are some of the topics we can cover.

  • Building a Policy Framework
  • Actually Implementing a NIST-Based Framework
  • Practical Zero Trust
  • Zero Trust Pillars Are Hard
  • Zero Trust Protect Surfaces
  • Zero Trust Step-by-Step

Let’s fire up the IBM Selectric Typewriter and crank out some architecture talk! Check back soon.


If you have any questions, suggestion for topics, or general comments please drop me a note at or @scmunk